Atheists Oppose Christian Crusader Mascot in Colorado School

Chrisitian Crusader

Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) decided to protest against a Christian mascot at Ken Caryl Middle School (KCMS) in Littleton, Colorado last month. In a letter addressed to Dan McMinimee, superintendent of Jeffco County Public Schools, FFRF attorney Andrew Seidel informed that it was unconstitutional for the school to have a Christian mascot.

Ken Caryl

“It is our understanding that the Ken Caryl Middle School mascot is ‘The Crusaders’. KCMS depicts the mascot as a cloaked knight holding a shield and sword. There are red Latin crosses on both the knight's tunic and his shield. Please see the enclosed screenshot. A white mantle with a red cross is the unmistakable attire of a member of the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar, originally known as Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, were among the most feared fighting units of the Crusades,” read Seidel’s letter.

“While the Crusaders, and specifically the Knights Templar, were certainly a terrifying group of Christian warriors capable of striking fear in their enemies, they are not an appropriate mascot for a public middle school. The Crusaders were Christian warriors fighting against "infidels" and "heathens" to reclaim Christian Holy Land for their Christian god. The Latin crosses drive the religious message home. The district should change this religious mascot to something more inclusive and appropriate for a public school.”

According to FFRF, the religious background of the mascot, its historical context as well as the two Latin crucifixes make it evident that the school is promoting one religion over others –or even worse, promoting religion over nonreligion. Since all government bodies are prohibited from doing so under the American constitution, at least the crusader’s crucifixes must be done away with or the mascot would surely qualify as an unconstitutional endorsement of Christianity. When paired with the mascot and its historical context, the school’s endorsement of religion via the crucifixes seems even more exaggerated.

McMinimee responded to the group in an email, saying, “The district recognizes that a school mascot/logo should depict positive images embracing history, community spirit, and traditions but should not be derogatory or offensive to persons of any race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age or to persons with a disability. The district is in the process of forming a diverse group of parents, students, staff and community members to consider your feedback and develop and/or review submissions for a new mascot/logo for Ken Caryl Middle School. We anticipate the process to be finished by the start of next school year.”

Diana Wilson (chief of communications at Jeffco County Public Schools) said while there is no guarantee that the school’s mascot would be changed, she would initiate a dialogue with district officials to see how FFRF’s concerns could be addressed.

Photo Credits: WND

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