Brazil: Dunga Condemns Religious Services Organized by Football Team


Former World Cup champion and current head coach of Brazil’s national football team, Carlos Caetano Bledorn Verri, better known as Dunga, recently spoke out against organized religious services during his team’s pre-match meetings. During a press conference earlier this month, Dunga stressed that the national football team is not a place for such manifestations and warned that those who get too involved with such practices are made to face repercussions. According to the team’s code of conduct, which was distributed to players by Dunga last year, religious and political discussions are not allowed during the team’s pre-match meetings.

Dunga’s comments were in response to at least 10 football players participating in such a service, promoted by attacking midfielder Ricardo Kaka and vice captain David Luiz. The service was officiated by an evangelical pastor, Guilherme Batista, in Boston during the team’s stay at a hotel for a friendly match between the Selacao and the United States. Pictures of the service, published by those who attended it, went viral on social media.

Brazil Football

Dunga was addressing the press about the players he has chosen for the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifiers. While Kaka does not feature on that list, the head coach said that his religious convictions played no role in reaching the final decision.

Dunga also clarified that he does not oppose the practice of any religion while urging his players to pray on the inside instead of flaunting such rituals for publicity.

“When you want to do good, you don't have to announce it to the entire world,” he concluded.

Photo Credits: Futebol Thoughts

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