California: Religious Group Disturbs Citizens of Downtown Vallejo

Vallejo Religious Group

Clad in distinct purple robes and black military boots, a mob of approximately ten men marched down the streets of Vallejo earlier this month, as citizens prepared to attend Saturday Farmers Market. Stationing themselves at the intersection of Georgia and Marin Streets, the men, identifying as members of Israel United in Christ, started to read the Bible and scream inflammatory vocabulary at passersby.

Reportedly, the members of Israel United in Christ were calling for African Americans to dissociate themselves from all individuals who are not one of the 12 tribes of Israel, which according to the religious organization, includes blacks, Hispanics as well as those claiming to be of Native-American origin. The group has been making its provocative appearances at the weekly Vallejo Farmers Market for months now, stationing itself at a different location each time, while shouting out divisive messages and making use of a ram’s horn to draw attention to its unnecessary incitement.

However, on September 5, the group was met by Vallejo citizens who told the agitating mob that they were sick and tired of the religious organization’s infuriating rhetoric. A number of community leaders, including Vallejo Together founder Maria Guevara and environmental activist Doug Darling, came together to form a line before the group. They were joined by a few others, who started to distribute flowers to fellow citizens visiting the market while chanting slogans of peace and harmony.

“What do we want? Peace! When do we want it? Now!” they were heard saying.

Even though most people simply walked past the dueling demonstrations, some chose to stop and listen, as representatives of both sides continued to film the scene.

“We have received complaints from merchants (about the religious group),” said Erin Bakke, executive coordinator of Central Core Restoration Corporation, which administers the Property and Business Improvement District downtown. “We’re working with the city attorney, law enforcement, the Farmers Market for a workable solution.”

Bakke hinted that the solution was to set up a free speech area in the marketplace so not only religious groups but also all individuals willing to express their views could use that space to do so in a safe environment.

“We really are concerned with people’s right to free speech,” she said.

She said that several petitions had already been filed by merchants who want CCRC and the Farmers Market to offer space for free speech demonstrations.

Jessica Millender, regional manager for Pacific Coast Farmers Market Association, said that the market is a place for public gathering and people should be allowed to express themselves freely. She said even though the association had received several complaints against Israel United in Christ, the religious organization was entitled to staging its demonstrations at the market as long as they are non-violent. She also said that such demonstrations should not deter the public from visiting the marketplace as different merchants have a lot of positive things to offer.

The police too said that they have received numerous complaints from Vallejo citizens against the religious organization. As a solution, the local police department decided to deploy bicycle patrol officers at the market every Saturday and so far, no violence or arrest has been reported.

“We are just being present and making sure everything remains peaceful,” Lt. Kevin Bartlett said. “Technically they are breaking the law for inciting violent reactions with offensive words, but we are still trying to find alternatives to keep it from turning violent. … I think people are standing up to them and are getting tired of them. … Racism in this day and age is ridiculous.”

Photo Credits: Public Broadcasting

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