Christian Pastor Offers Atheists $100,000 to Prove God Doesn’t Exist

Joshua Feuerstein

Christian pastor Joshua Feuerstein, who is also an internet celebrity, challenged his ideological opponents to prove God does not exist. In return, he would give the atheist that proves this fact $100,000. In a recent video that went viral on the internet, mostly among Evangelical circles, Feuerstein challenged nonbelievers to provide him with “proof or evidence” that God does not exist.

Atheists have found themselves outraged over Feuerstein’s challenge, calling his logic infantile and message insulting. They have also said that he has no intention to honour the bet and if anyone did go far enough to prove the lack of God’s existence, Feuerstein would conveniently back out from paying the concerned person.

Seth Andrews or The Thinking Atheist responded to Feuerstein’s challenge with a video of his own that he titled The Feuerstein Fallacy.

“Josh, science called and said, ‘You’re doing it wrong!’” Andrews began. “Scientists and non-scientists alike with any cursory understanding of the burden of proof know that you don’t start with anything and everything that cannot be disproven. ... By that standard, fairies exist. The Boogey Man exists. Plush time – travelling Teddy Bears in outer space exist – prove they don’t exist,” he continued.

Watch Andrew’s intelligent rebuttal in the video below:

Photo Credit: God of Evolution

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