The Church Militant posted a video on his YouTube channel last month, thanking God for giving his mother stomach cancer and taking her away so he would make a comeback to the Roman Catholic Church. Michael Voris—founder and president of St Michael’s Media and producer of his website—took to the social media platform to reveal everything about the sinful life he lived as a homosexual before reverting to Catholicism.
In his video, Voris says he decided to come clean after all this time because there were satanic forces trying to publicly discredit him, the apostolate as well as his work. Clarifying how he never thought that a public confession was necessary, Church Militant admitted to speaking of his life (prior to his reversion) as a time when he was surrounded with mortal sin.
Refusing to out himself as a homosexual, Voris, who still believes he is straight, said, “… Most of my thirties, I was confused about my own sexuality, I lived a life of live-in relationships with homosexual men… From the outside, I lived the lifestyle and contributed to the scandal in addition to the sexual sins. On the inside, I was deeply conflicted about all of it.”
In his twenties, Voris admitted to sleeping with both men and women.
Now he detests all of that behavior, which he believes was about finding solace in lust and abandoning his masculinity.
Even though Voris does not seem to know the relationship between gender and sexuality, he is affirmative that it was his mother who served as the instrument of God’s grace.
“As a last resort, she prayed to be given whatever suffering so that I would be granted sufficient grace to revert. And, shortly after her prayers, she received an early diagnosis of stomach cancer, which killed her a few years later,” he said.
According to Voris, he decided to change his life while seeing his mother suffer through her last few years, but it was not until her death that the miracle finally occurred.
“I pledged at her coffin that I would change. I said, ‘Mom, what you went through for me, you will not have gone through in vain.’ I returned fully and completely to the faith,” he said.
A couple of years later, Voris discovered the apostolate, which he is now trying to protect.
In his video, he goes on to explain how he felt when he first found out that his mother was suffering from cancer.
“I was thrilled, over the top with gratitude, with what God had done for me through my mom and her suffering,” he recalled.
While trying to explain how evil he was before his mother’s passing away, Voris said several times over that if he had been killed in a car accident while cohabiting with a homosexual man, he would have surely been damned.
Stressing how he shudders every time he thinks about it, Voris said, “I gave up my self, my masculinity, my self-understanding, my identity and my own dignity as a baptized Catholic.”
Voris continues to say that being rescued by God is proof that the Almighty can do absolutely anything; For example: (in his case) restoring his previously shattered confused sexuality.
“Through the grace of the Church, I was given back my masculinity that I had squandered. In fact, the Church has rescued people like Paul, Augustine, Francis, and Ignatius,” he said.
Mentioning that he is not a saint, Voris urged his audience to make note of the possibility of the Roman Catholic Church’s mission revolving around getting hold of miserable sinners and turning them into saints.
As a concluding thought, Voris said the threats to expose his past have emerged from none else but the ‘Diabolical’, but that will not dissuade him from believing in St Michael and the Virgin Mary, who would—by all means—defeat Satan and his plans. He ends by assuring his audience how there is little to no chance that he would engage in sexual sins with a homosexual man again.
Photo Credits: Church Militant