Circumcision "Gone Wrong" Results in Almost Completely Amputated Genitals

On September 5, during a Brit Mila in Israel, a Jewish ritual circumcision went horribly wrong, and the botched procedure resulted in complex surgery. The Mohel that performed the circumcision was later found to be uncertified and without adequate training.

The baby, with a severe cut on his genitalia, was rushed to Haifa's Rambam Healthcare Campus for emergency treatment. Three surgeons performed the long and highly complicated surgery to reverse the damage done by the botched circumcision.

One of the surgeons that operated on the little boy, Dr. Akram Asadi, said that he had never seen such an injury sustained during circumcision in his 20 years of medical practice.

Asadi said, "We don't know exactly how it happened, but the baby is suffering from an almost complete amputation of his genitals. This is a shocking case, and the injury is very serious."

The surgeons did their best, but it is too early to assess the outcome. He is currently in stable condition, but permanent damage is expected.

A Mohel is a title given to a person that performs the Jewish rite of circumcision. Reports say that the baby's family knew this Mohel for a long time and that he had circumcised their eldest child.

An investigation was launched by the Chief Rabbinate and Health Ministry inter-office committee, which regulates the Mohels and provides certificates to those who completed their training. The committee had urged parents only to use certified Mohels.

Many religions perform ritualistic circumcision. The Jewish have performed such operations for millennia. The Brit Mila is one of the most important rituals in Judaism, where the foreskin of a newborn baby is removed just eight days after birth. It is a long-standing tradition for the Jewish.

Circumcision is also a type of surgery that requires skills and proficiency. Asadi said, "anyone who performs circumcision must undergo full training and fully understand anatomy."

Circumcision isn't entirely risk-free, as many believe. The most common risks include infections and bleeding. A botched circumcision can lead to such problems. Also, children with bleeding disorders such as hemophilia are susceptible to infections.

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