A self-proclaimed faith healer recently filed a lawsuit against an atheist vlogger after she uploaded a video debunking his claim that he was a qualified medical professional. Stephanie Guttormson, who works for Richard Dawkins Foundation, posted the video on Youtube in December 2014, explaining why she was skeptical about Adam Miller’s near death experience in 1977 that apparently brought to him special abilities to miraculously heal people.
“Let’s start by pointing out that the germ theory of disease accounts for how illnesses affect us,” Guttormson pointed out. “He makes this claim that these experiences in your lives and traumas create dark cellular structure — whatever that is — and that by invoking this magic spirit, it will come down and break up this — quote, unquote — dark cellular structure.”
She went on to post a second video, substantiating her skepticism regarding Miller’s claims.
“Sometimes we want the answers so badly and want to help so badly that we’ll believe just about anything,” she said. “Usually out of fear and hopelessness and desperation… Adam Miller is a charlatan, he’s a swindler, he’s a snake oil salesman. You risk your lives delaying or forgoing proper medical treatment by going to him for help. And more importantly, for believing his unsubstantiated claims.”
In response to Guttormson’s allegations, Miller posted a video announcing that he would sue her on grounds of copyright and other violations. Miller alleged that Guttormson had molested and mutilated his original video, which to him was a very holy piece of work. His video also implied several times that Guttormson’s claims could not be trusted because she had identified herself as transgender.
Guttormson has created a fundraising page on GoFundMe to collect the money she would require to pay her defense’s fees. This week, she was officially served with summon to appear in court.
Photo Credits: Wonkette