God Will Press The Reset Button, Again

James Bakker and Carl Gallups said yesterday that the world is so bad that God is going to ‘press the reset button’. James Bakker is an American televangelist, former Assemblies of God minister and convicted felon. A cover-up of hush money paid to Bakker's secretary, Jessica Hahn, for alleged rape led to his resignation from the ministry. They both are End Times preachers.

“Could we be in worse days than we know?” Bakker asked on his television program yesterday. “In the nostrils of God, could it be worse than what we think? I think this may be the secret. This may be what God wanted me to see. God was vexed, upset, that he would kill everybody on earth. They were so wicked that he had to do it.”

“If you deny Jesus Christ, if you deny the word of God, if you deny the truth of God’s word, well, what’s this whole world doing right now?” Gallups asked. “It’s denying Israel, it’s denying the existence of Israel, it’s denying the truth of Israel, denying the word of God, denying that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, denying that the womb is sacred, denying that marriage is sacred. All of the things that God created and said, ‘It is very good,’ the spirit of the whole world is saying, ‘This is very bad.’”

“What happened in the days of Noah? The whole world had gone down the spirit of Antichrist,” he added. “Satan was corrupting human flesh, he was corrupting animal flesh, he was corrupting minds, he was corrupting marriage, home, family, he was corrupting life itself and God pushed the reset button. We’re right back there again.”

The question is: Where is Noah now? Who would save the world from the anger of God? Another good question is: Has an ark been invented yet that can save humanity from people who are hiding behind the name of God and against human rights?


Photo Credits: Mission Galactic Freedom

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