Man from New Mexico Finds Jesus on a Fuji Apple


David Durian from Albuquerque in New Mexico has apparently found an image of Jesus on one of the Fuji apples that he was using to make apple butter. When he looked closer, he claims to have seen the classic image of Christ holding a lamb amidst the red and yellow striations of the fruit.

Upon seeing Jesus on his apple, Durian took the fruit to the local church where a priest reportedly blessed and anointed it. Durian claims that local residents and neighbours have been coming to his house to view the unique fruit. He also pointed out Jesus’ face, hair and robe as well as a lamb in Jesus’ arms, though the image is really not as prominent to viewers.

“Maybe it's a sign from the Lord that maybe we need to change our ways and maybe look at things to be more positive in this world… Like helping our fellow neighbors and being good to people,” said Durian.

Similar cases of people spotting Jesus’ face and the Virgin Mary on fruits, potato chips, tree trunks, chocolates and bird droppings even, have been reported earlier as well. According to a recent study at the University of Toronto, researchers concluded that humans tend to look for facial images in inanimate objects. After carrying out several tests on a group of people, the researchers derived that the human brain is wired oddly to trace faces in objects.

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