Poll: More Russians Identify as Orthodox but Fewer People Go to Church

Russian Orthodox

The number of Russians who identify themselves as Orthodox may have risen from 52 percent in 1997 to 68 percent in 2014, but according to a poll carried out by Public Opinion Foundation, fewer people go to church now than before.

The poll, which was conducted in a total number of 100 towns, cities and villages across 43 regions in Russia and it included 1,500 respondents, also revealed that 19 percent Russians identify themselves as non-religious. According to the recent survey, only 13 percent of all Orthodox Russians go to church regularly, take communion, know church prayers and read them on a daily basis.

When asked how often they go to church, 32 percent respondents said they have never been to one, 19 percent said they go to church several times a year, 18 percent said they go to church once or twice a year, 14 percent said they go to church less than once a year and 8 percent said they go to church on a monthly basis. When asked how often they take communion, 63 percent respondents said they have never done it, 10 percent said they have done it once or twice a year and 4 percent said they have done it several times a year. When asked if they fast or no, 76 percent respondents said they do not, 7 percent said they fast during Lent, 4 percent said they fast during Lent and some other occasions and 2 percent said they fast during all important occasions. Eventually, when the respondents were asked if they pray or no, 41 percent said they never have, 29 percent said they have their own prayers, 13 percent said they combine their own prayers with church prayers and 6 percent said they use only church prayers.

The study also revealed that 59 percent Russians have never read any Christian text including the New Testament.

Photo Credit: Voytek S

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