Who was the first to demand equal rights? According to Fellowship Baptist Church in Statesville, North Carolina, it was obviously Satan. The Baptist Church in Statesville displayed a message on its front sign this past week that some considered inappropriate. The sign, which was recently changed, reads: "Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights".
The sign was posted at a time when equal rights for lesbian, gay and transgender people divided North Carolina and resulted in anti-gay rights laws — such as House Bill 2. That’s why the sign was interpreted as a slam of civil rights for blacks and/or gays.
It can also offend women who were fighting for equal rights through the women's rights movement in the nineteenth century and the feminist movement during the 20th century. Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights include (though are not limited to) the right: to bodily integrity and autonomy; to be free from sexual violence; to vote; to hold public office; to enter into legal contracts; to have equal rights in family law; to work; to fair wages or equal pay; to have reproductive rights; to own property; to education. All women are equal with the devil according to Baptists. Baptists have a history of opposing civil rights for black people and they continue opposing equal rights for women.
“Remember that pesky little part in our country's founding documents about ‘all men being created equally’?...The problem is with the folks who want to believe they are better than others and should have more rights. Sorry, Baptists. You don't get any more than the Methodists do,” posted Mary Eye on Facebook. “Wow, so the people who want equal rights are less than the people who have the rights...Wow ignorance, pure ignorance,” wrote Vicki Belliotti.
The church posted a statement on its official Facebook page Tuesday evening:
The church sign that was in the news was NOT meant to offend ANY people, group or compare ANYONE to satan. That is not what we teach and preach! It was speaking about our adversary the devil who did want to be God. We pray that the LORD would bless any who were offended!
Their attempt to apologize for accidentally insulting a large number of people is more a prayer that ‘the LORD would bless any who were offended.’ But offended people don’t need their blessings, they want an actual apology.
Photo Credits: Patheos