Kosaka Kumiko, nun at the Antonio Provolo Institute, a school for deaf children, is arrested on suspicion of helping priests sexually abuse children.
The "Freedom to Serve Children Act," Texas’ HB 3859 is allowing adoption agencies to discriminate against potential parents on the basis of religion.
House Resolution 1004 passed without any debate on Monday in Oklahoma City equals abortion with a murder of innocent unborn children.
A Bartlett, Tennessee elementary school closed down a before-school Bible Club because Freedom From Religion Foundation sent them a warning letter.
In the northwestern region of Xinjiang in China, a list of banned baby names with religious meaning and widely used by Muslims, has been released.
Islam is going to be the world’s largest religion by 2075, according to new study by the Pew Research Center-The Changing Global Religious Landscape.
An 11-year-old girl in Michigan was released from the hospital after God shot her in the shoulder, according to the girl’s parents.
Ellinor Grimmark, the nurse in Sweden, must assist with abortions if she wants to keep her job, according to the Swedish court decision.
Nonbelief Relief is giving $10,000 to UNICEF for famine relief efforts in Somalia, as a part of its mission to improve this world — our only world.
Repeated school prayer in Kansas school district violates separation of church and state and FFRF had to react by sending letter to school officials.