
New German Citizenship Rule Demands Recognition of Israel's Right to Exist

Under changes made by the German government to the country’s citizenship laws, people applying for naturalization would no longer need to give up their previous citizenship and could obtain it faster, but those applying for naturalization would be required to affirm Israel’s right to exist.

CNN: Germany demands new citizens accept Israel’s right to exist

There goes their immigration problem. pic.twitter.com/lIHokgQRw6

Criticize Islam, Go To Jail: Egyptian Ex-Muslim Faces 9-Year Sentence!

More than a year after he posted a video where he briefly narrated how the Egyptian government mistreated him and even prevented him from leaving the country by taking away his passport, Egyptian ex-Muslim and atheist Sherif Gaber faces a new challenge after an Egyptian court sentenced him to another five years in prison for criticizing Islam.
