Uncovered: Iran's Brazen Attempt to Assassinate A Random Israeli in Peru

Authorities in Peru arrested an Iranian citizen who is reportedly a member of the Quds Force after he allegedly plotted to kill an Israeli citizen in the country.

General Óscar Arriola, the chief of the Peruvian police, announced in a press conference that a 56-year-old Iranian man named Majid Azizi was arrested in Lima, Peru’s capital, on March 7th along with two Peruvian citizens.

The police chief said Peruvian authorities thwarted the planned attack against the Israeli citizen, who was not identified for security reasons. Peruvian police are still searching for a third Peruvian they believe was in charge of the plot to kill the Israeli man. 

Arriola said Azizi entered Peru on March 3rd, and foreign intelligence services alerted them of his entry into the South American country. Nevertheless, Azizi’s alleged affiliation with the Quds Force, a branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) dedicated to military intelligence, could not be verified independently. 

The Iranian government and state media did not comment on the incident or acknowledge Azizi’s arrest.

Arriola said Azizi was arrested after withdrawing money from an ATM and, along with the two Peruvians arrested, will remain in prison for an initial 15 days under terrorism charges. The general said Azizi was married to a Peruvian woman, and he intended to return to Iran on the same day he was arrested.

While Iran has run intelligence operations in the past with the Quds Force, this is the first time Peruvian authorities have announced the arrest of an alleged member of the group. The Quds Force was linked to an impounded Boeing 747 in Argentina that the United States later seized. Argentina also believes the group was behind the deadly 1994 bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 people and injured over 300.

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