Why Iran Raided a “Satanist” Concert and Arrested Hundreds

Over 260 people were arrested by Iranian authorities last weekend at an underground music festival, with the Iranian police calling the event a “Satanist gathering.

The arrests came at a difficult time for the Islamic Republic after Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian were killed in a helicopter crash in the northwestern part of the country on May 19th.

Around 146 men and 115 women were detained and charged with participating in an unauthorized gathering and consuming alcohol, though details surrounding the event remain unclear.

Police made the mass arrests in the Shahriar area of Tehran province on May 18th. The Tasnim News Agency, linked to the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), reported that the attendees were adorned with "signs and symbols of Satanism" on their attire and accessories. Authorities also claimed they seized alcohol and psychedelic drugs.

Three European nationals were also reportedly arrested, and authorities seized 73 vehicles as part of the mass arrests. The incident is part of a larger crackdown on rock and metal music in Iran, where genres are often associated with devil worship among the country’s theocratic establishment.

According to a report by Iran International, all individuals except for the event organizer have been released. A group of Georgian musicians invited to perform at the event was handed over to their embassy in Tehran, along with their manager.

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