WTF: Spider-Man Gets Arrested During Eid Prayer in Turkey

Uncle Ben famously told Peter Parker, “with great power comes great responsibility.” But what happens when a well-meaning person wearing a disguise to help people (just like Peter did with Spiderman) causes a stir because of his mistaken identity and ends up in hot water for his activities?

This is what happened with Turkish influencer Ayaz Koç after he was arrested at a local mosque in the Iskenderun district in the southern province of Hatay on April 10th for attending an Eid prayer while wearing a Spiderman costume.

Known for being Turkey’s self-proclaimed “local Spider-Man,” Koç tours areas heavily impacted by the February 6 earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria in 2023 on a mission to cheer up those affected by the disaster that took the lives of 53,000 people and destroyed 38,000 buildings in Turkey.

Koç started his tour in Izmir and planned to travel to 81 cities across Turkey in his Spiderman costume. In his full Spiderman suit, he arrived in Hatay, the 32nd city, on April 10th and performed the Eid al-Fitr prayer in Kaptan Pasha Mosque.

However, his disguise caused unease and even shocked the other worshippers. They were unfamiliar with his mission and worried that his masked appearance might indicate more nefarious intentions.

‘’I was going to the Eid prayer. After I washed my hands and face, the people responded positively," Koç said in a video message after the incident.

After authorities started receiving reports of a masked man praying inside the mosque, they swiftly intervened to escort Koç out of the mosque. Videos of the incident showed police officers trying to forcibly remove ‘’Turkey’s local Spiderman’s’’ mask during the Eid prayer while Koç seemingly resisted arrest.

‘’They forced me to the ground, handcuffed me, and stepped on my feet,” Koç said. 

The influencer was visibly emotional, and he described sustaining injuries to his foot, rendering him unable to walk.

‘’I was battered up, my foot was injured, and now I cannot walk,’’ he said.

Following clarification of his intentions to the authorities, Koç was released.

As a volunteer, I entertained children in earthquake zones,” Koç said. 

I spent a significant amount of time in Hatay due to the devastating losses. Then, my dream of traveling around Turkey began. I conceived the idea of Spider-Man traveling across Turkey to uplift people,” he also said, adding that he has already visited 33 provinces in Turkey as part of his goal.

Despite this ordeal, Koç reiterated his commitment ‘’to spread joy’’ and to continue pursuing his dreams of visiting all of Turkey’s province in his Spiderman costume. 

Interestingly, Koç is not Türkiye's only or first Spiderman. In 2020, during Covid, Burak Soylu delivered groceries to the elderly dressed as the superhero. A third anonymous Spiderman was caught voting last year.

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