Atheist Republic News Summary: Shocking Islamist Marches Have Germany on...

  • Shocking Islamist Marches Have Germany on Edge

Location: Germany

The Islamist group Muslim Interaktiv has sparked outrage and fears in Germany after organizing large rallies calling for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate under sharia law in the country. Their first protest on April 27th in Hamburg saw demonstrators waving Palestinian flags while demanding a "righteous caliphate.” Though classified as an extremist organization by authorities, Muslim Interaktiv was allowed to hold another rally on May 11th attended by 2,300 people under strict conditions like banning calls for violence and denying Israel's existence. Interior Minister Nancy Faeser commented on the rally stating, "Anyone who would rather live in a caliphate, and therefore in the Stone Age, is against everything that Germany stands for. We defend our constitution — with the means of our constitution." The controversial marches, occurring amid Israel's deadly conflict with Hamas in Gaza, have heightened tensions, with Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowing to use all legal means to crack down on "Islamist activities" promoting anti-democratic extremism that Chancellor Alexander Dobrindt described as making Muslim Interaktiv "an enemy of our democracy."

  • Integration Crisis? German Muslim Students Favor Sharia Over Country's Own Laws

Location: Germany

An alarming new study from the Criminal Research Institute of Lower Saxony has revealed a concerning embrace of Islamist extremism among Muslim students in German schools. The survey of 308 Muslim pupils found that 67.8% agree "the Quran is more important than the laws of Germany," with nearly half (45.6%) believing an "Islamic theocracy is the best form of government." Disturbingly, over a third (35.3%) said they "understand violence against those who insult Allah or the Prophet Muhammad," while 21.2% think "the threat to Islam from the Western world justifies how Muslims violently defend themselves," and 18% agreed "violence is justifiable if it's used to spread and implement Islam." The findings reflect how many of these students come from deeply conservative Muslim families who have immigrated to Germany in recent years, with some areas like Berlin and Frankfurt now having over 80% Muslim student populations. A state security officer warned that the spread of such radical beliefs has led to "more and more parents of German children...turning to counseling centers because the Christian children want to convert so that they are no longer outsiders at school." Politicians from parties across the spectrum voiced alarm, with the Christian Democrats' Christoph de Vries saying the study shows "how deep the traces that the political Islam has already left in Germany are."

  • Outrage as Newly Elected UK Councillor Screams 'Allahu Akbar'

Location: United Kingdom

Mothin Ali, a 42-year-old accountant and gardening blogger, sparked outrage after celebrating his election as a Green Party councillor in Leeds by shouting "Allahu Akbar!" and declaring his win was "for the people of Gaza." The Muslim candidate, who had previously called Israel a "settler, colonial, occupier," concluded his speech in front of a Palestinian flag stating "We will not be silenced. We will raise the voice of Gaza. We will raise the voice of Palestine. Allahu Akbar!" His provocative remarks drew condemnation from the local Jewish community, with one leader writing to the Green Party that Ali's "behavior at his count" required suspension, as "your silence has now gone past the time." While Ali later apologized, saying "Allahu Akbar" is "an expression of gratitude and celebration" and that accusing him of supporting violence "suggests Islamophobia," the controversy highlighted tensions over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in British politics.

  • Canadian PM Slammed for Pushing 'Sharia-Compliant' Mortgages for Muslims

Location: Canada

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government has sparked a backlash by announcing plans to introduce "halal mortgages" that comply with Islamic financial rules against paying interest. In the recent 2024 budget, the government proposed consulting with lenders to offer Sharia-compliant home financing options like halal mortgages aimed at helping Muslim Canadians become homeowners. Trudeau enthusiastically touted it as "a testament to our commitment to fostering an inclusive society where everyone has equal access to opportunities." Specific proposals include the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation providing Islamic banks funding to offer halal mortgages, potential tax changes for such products, and a "regulatory sandbox" for lenders. While some smaller institutions already provide Sharia-compliant financing, none of Canada's five biggest banks currently offer halal mortgages that avoid interest through alternatives like rental-based payments. The budget also proposed developing more Islamic banking offerings and establishing a national zakat fund for Muslim charitable giving, drawing criticism that the policies unfairly benefit one religious group. Supporters like the Canadian Islamic Congress, however, hailed it as a "historic moment" enabling Muslims "to participate more fully in the Canadian economy."

  • Insulting Islam Got Him a 24-Year Sentence - The Story of Mubarak Bala

Location: Nigeria

In a case that sparked global condemnation of Nigeria's blasphemy laws, the 24-year prison sentence of Mubarak Bala - president of the Humanist Association of Nigeria - was reduced to 5 years by an appeals court on May 13th. Bala had been convicted in April 2020 under Kano State's draconian laws that criminalize insults to Islam, specifically for violating "Section 210 of Kano State's Penal Code and Section 26 (1)(c) of the country's Cybercrimes Act of 2015." While his lawyer James Ibor celebrated the reduction, stating "we were grateful the court agreed with us that the sentence was against the law," he vowed to appeal further on grounds of "lack of jurisdiction," the judge's "predisposition to convict," and Bala's allegedly coerced guilty plea. Human rights groups like Humanists International decried the initial "duress-induced" conviction as a horrific violation of Bala's "peaceful exercise of his rights to freedom of religion or belief, and expression." The case spotlighted the harsh criminalization of blasphemy and dissent in deeply religious parts of Nigeria.

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