
Anti-Islam Message on Pizza Receipt Leads to Police Investigation in Malays

Authorities in Malaysia have started investigations over a Domino’s Pizza receipt, which reportedly contained a derogatory message mocking Islam.

Malaysia's Ramadan Madness: Fines, Arrests, Shaming of Those Who Can't Fast

As Malaysia experiences a recent wider shift towards a more conservative form of Islam, religious authorities in the culturally diverse and multi-ethnic Southeast Asian nation are stepping up moral policing efforts to crack down on those who are violating the country’s laws on breaking the fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

Malaysia to "Fight Islamophobia" with $2 Million Quran Distribution Plan

The Malaysian government revealed its plans to counter Islamophobia by distributing copies of the Quran translated into several languages, setting aside more than $2 million in its 2023 budget.

Malaysian Official Says "Islamophobia" Should be Criminalized

In light of the recent events involving the burning of the Quran by far-right activist Rasmus Paludan, a senior Malaysian official suggested criminalizing Islamophobia and demanded a “firmer” response from Muslim countries towards such incidents.

Malaysian Police Raid LGBT Halloween Party for ‘Encouraging Vice’

Malaysia’s Islamic religious authorities raided a Halloween party attended by members of the LGBT community on October 29, where around 20 people were arrested for alleged violations under Sharia law.

Transwoman Charged For Breaking Sharia Law by Wearing Women's Clothing

Nur Sajat, a 36-year old cosmetics entrepreneur from Malaysia, is wanted after being charged by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department with violating Sharia law. In 2018, Muhammad Sajjad Kamaruz Zaman, popularly knwon as Nur Sajat, wore a baju kurung, a traditional custom worn by women. She left Malaysia in January 2021. A warrant was issued last February 23 after she failed to show for her hearing.
