
ISIS Bride Sentenced to Death

A court in Iraq sentenced one of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s wives to death after she was charged with being allegedly complicit in crimes committed by the Islamic State against Yazidi women, Iraq’s judiciary announced on July 10th.

14-Year-Old Pakistani Kills Man Over Blasphemy Accusation

Police said on June 24th that a 14-year-old boy in Pakistan reportedly stabbed a man belonging to the country’s Shia Muslim minority to death for allegedly speaking against the companions of the Prophet Muhammad in Punjab province.

Hardly a Hijab in Sight: New Nike Ad in Saudi Arabia Sends a Big Message

American athletic apparel brand Nike launched its first-ever campaign ad film, “What If You Can?” aimed at Saudi Arabian women, a first in Saudi history. The ad hopes to inspire girls in the Muslim-majority, ultraconservative kingdom to build confidence and realize their full potential through the power of sport. However, the ad also sparks debate on the role of women in a changing Saudi Arabia.

Pakistani Christian Sentenced to Death for Hateful Content Against Muslims

A Pakistani court sentenced a Christian man to death for reportedly sharing what it claimed was hateful content against Muslims on social media after one of the worst mob attacks on Christians in the eastern province of Punjab last year, his lawyer said, adding they will appeal the verdict.

Israel Rocked With Protests as It Ends Ultra-Orthodox Exemption from IDF

Protests and riots erupted in Israel after the country’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing the Israeli government to draft ultra-Orthodox Jewish men for military service, ending the exemption for ultra-Orthodox men to serve in the country’s military for the first time since the country was founded in 1948.

Albania is Destroying Islam

A new trend is growing among ethnic Albanians after Kosovo saw the emergence of a new movement calling Kosovars to abandon Islam, as a recent census affirms that Muslims are no longer the majority in Albania for the first time in over 200 years.

UK Islamic School Caught Illegally Segregating Boys & Girls

Despite warnings from the United Kingdom’s Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted), an independent faith school continues to segregate boys from girls, according to an inspection report.

New German Citizenship Rule Demands Recognition of Israel's Right to Exist

Under changes made by the German government to the country’s citizenship laws, people applying for naturalization would no longer need to give up their previous citizenship and could obtain it faster, but those applying for naturalization would be required to affirm Israel’s right to exist.

CNN: Germany demands new citizens accept Israel’s right to exist

There goes their immigration problem.

Woman Tries to Drown 3-Year-Old Muslim Child

A white woman in Texas has been arrested and charged for allegedly attempting to drown a 3-year-old girl at a pool and making racist remarks towards her mother, with investigators asking for the case to be treated as a hate crime.
