Top 20 Ranked Countries With Highest Atheist / Agnostic Population

A surveyed list has been made of the top twenty countries that hold the highest number of individuals who are said to be either atheists, or agnostics. However, the given numbers do not necessarily constitute the exact number of people who claim to be non-believers in God. For example, out of people who tool the survey in Estonia, 49% of people claimed that they do not believe in God, but only 11% called themselves atheists.

Total country
population (2004)
% Atheist/Agnostic
Nonbeliever in God
Number of Atheists/Agnostics
Nonbelievers in God (Min - Max)
China 1,298,848,000 8 - 14%* 103,907,840 - 181,838,720
Japan 127,333,000 64 - 65% 81,493,120 - 82,766,450
Russia 143,782,000 24 - 48% 34,507,680 - 69,015,360
Vietnam 82,690,000 81% 66,978,900
Germany 82,425,000 41 - 49% 33,794,250 - 40,388,250
France 60,424,000 43 - 54% 25,982,320 - 32,628,960
USA 293,028,000 3 - 9% 8,790,840 - 26,822,520
Britain 60,271,000 31 - 44% 18,684,010 - 26,519,240
South Korea 48,598,000 30 - 52% 14,579,400 - 25,270,960
Canada 32,508,000 19 - 30% 6,176,520 - 9,752,400
Spain 40,281,000 15 - 24% 6,042,150 - 9,667,440
Ukraine 47,732,000 20% 9,546,400
Italy 58,057,000 6 - 15% 3,483,420 - 8,708,550
Sweden 8,986,000 46 - 85% 4,133,560 - 7,638,100
Netherlands 16,318,000 39 - 44% 6,364,020 - 7,179,920
Czech Republic 10,246,100 54 - 61% 5,328,940 - 6,250,121
Taiwan 22,750,000 24% 5,460,000
Australia 19,913,000 24 - 25% 4,779,120 - 4,978,250
Hungary 10,032,000 32 - 46% 3,210,240 - 4,614,720
Belgium 10,348,000 42 - 43% 4,346,160 - 4,449,640

Source: Zuckerman, 2005

*Note: The given percentage of atheist population for China is only an approximate figure. The available numbers have been carefully calculated to the best of the surveyors' knowledge.

SammyShazaam's picture
When you add nonbelievers

When you add nonbelievers into the ranks of confirmed atheists (as I believe should be done, most people who are agnostic or who do not value religion would be atheists) there's really a lot of atheists in the world. Much more than the constant barrage of religious media would have you believe, and probably much more than most religious people themselves realize.

To count the number of churches around here, you'd think that every person on my block must belong to at least 2 or 3 in order to keep them all full!

Trevor's picture
China will be the worlds

China will be the worlds strongest empire in the future and I'm not surprised that they are the most atheist.

Agnostic Atheist 101's picture
I am from China, and my

I am from China, and my family is completely atheist. But if you look at the percentage of atheists in china, it is rather low (it's high because of China's population). Most of China's theists are in the rural areas and they might 'believe' in something, but they are not that serious about it and don't really care that much (i might be wrong, but this is my opinion). They might say something like @"Oh my God!" but as you probably know, that is just a way of expressing the feeling of surprise. However China still could be considered as a rising power.

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