Oh, this makes me so sad for you.

I was raised Catholic but have been atheist for awhile.  I kept it to myself for a long time, but have finally started to be more open about it recently.  The most common reaction I get when I tell friends is (I am female and referring to female friends): "Oh, this makes me so sad for you."

It's happened more than a few times, and it always leaves me amused, as these people have NO idea how offensive they are being.  If I responded with a similar level of compassion and respect, I would say something like: "That's interesting, because I feel sad for you that you are stupid and insecure enough to need a deity to feel meaning in your life and give you a moral compass.  Also, explain extreme poverty, genocide, etc. through the lens of a good God." 

Of course, I don't go there for obvious reasons, but, man, is it tempting.  Of course, when god is on your side, you can say all the unbelievably rude, bigoted things you want.

- Courtney Derr

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