Should Atheists Speak Out? - Comments From Our Community

What's the point speaking against religion? Should atheists keep their opinions to themselves? See what others think or share your own views.

I think a lot of people (even Atheists) get the issue of Atheism very wrong!

As an ex-Baptist, I'm all for stirring up controversy, kicking the nest a bit. The useful purpose of it to me, at least, is to get believers thinking about their views and holy texts in a different light.

In MOST families there is ONE dominate partner, this has been shown throughout history (ie. Matriarch or Patriarch) Why is it necessary to define your life by your religious beliefs, or lack thereof? Why is it necessary to 'come out' as an Atheist?

Personal feelings of offense are used as a defense all the time by religious people to keep criticism or disagreement of their views from being heard or expressed.

I am in the library now and, as I passed by the non-fiction section, I noticed the Bible was filed under non-fiction. Is that fair? Is it fair that the Bible is labeled under non-fiction, the same genre as The God Delusion?
