The mother of children sexually abused by a clergyman was disgusted that Cardinal George Pell was dining in Rome instead of appearing for an inquiry.
Pastor Michael Orten not only employed a man convicted of rape of a child, but also defended the crime, comparing forcible rape to stealing candy.
Two Navajo siblings sued the Mormon Church after claiming they endured horrific sexual abuse as participants of an Indian Student Placement Program.
Mormon leaders urged church members last month to practice tolerance towards other religions despite apparent political differences.
A 16-year-old girl was drugged and burnt alive in an honor killing, ordered by tribal council, for helping a friend from a neighboring village elope.
A Malaysian lawmaker recently said that allowing child marriage in the country would put a stop to rampant premarital sex among teenagers.
Bishop Mar Mathew Anikkuzhikattil from Idukki district in the Indian state of Kerala implied that marriage requires to be prioritized over education.
Freedom From Religion Foundation decided to protest against a Christian mascot at Ken Caryl Middle School in Littleton, Colorado last month.
Christian Educators Association International says American children can’t tell right from wrong since religion was removed from public schools.
Human Rights Watch urged Egyptian authorities to withdraw prison sentences for the Coptic Christian teenagers convicted of blasphemy on February 25.