In the episode of the new CNN show “Believer,” Reza Aslan ate cooked human brain tissue with a group of cannibals of the Aghori sect in India.
A Stanford University professor gave a lecture about Muslims, pointing out that as Muslim population in India rises, their rights decrease.
After a cardiac arrest, Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa died and almost 470 people are said to have died of shock over leader’s death.
A principal in New York sparked outrage among staffers, students and parents after a bizarre wall mural in her school depicted her as a Hindu goddess.
Hindu radicals in India claim Emperor Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism and other actions are what opened his empire’s borders to foreign conquerors.
Sikhs lent support to Muslims in an Indian town after Hindu radicals appeared to have instigated them in an effort to spark communal tensions.
Law enforcement officials in Pakistan arrested a Muslim man under the country’s blasphemy laws for selling footwear with Hindu symbols.
A new documentary by Sangita Iyer shows the brutalization of temple elephants in the Indian state of Kerala.
Controversy found Amazon earlier this month after buyers discovered doormats with images of various gods and religious symbols being sold online.
An ancient tradition that barred women from entering into the sanctum sanctorum of two temples in Maharashtra was broken earlier this month.