Many young British Catholics don’t hold traditional Catholic beliefs on God and believe that Jesus was only human.
A 20-year-old man living as a refugee in Germany has fled to his homeland, Iraq, in order to escape his arrest over the rape and murder of his 14-year-old girlfriend. His girlfriend had been missing for days before police found her buried body.
Kenyan Court will decide on April 26 if Kenya would become the second country on the African continent to decriminalize gay sex.
The senior Church of England bishop equates the struggle to persuade the church to be truly inclusive to LGBT people to the fight against slavery.
Dr. Leo Igwe wrote on the impression of Africans being both theistic and highly religious. He recounts surveys describes these two facts as true.
The first Atheism, Humanism, and Secular Ethics endowed chair is coming to the University of Miami according to internal sources.
The AHA, together with FFRF and AU, filed a formal appeal on a judge’s decision that Humanist beliefs could not qualify as a religion.
Catholic bishop called this year an annus horribilis for people of faith because ‘Christian conceptions of life and love have been challenged.’
Jacinda Ardern, young and charismatic agnostic woman, is on the verge of becoming New Zealand’s next Prime Minister, the third woman ever in the role.
A former Colorado student sues her school district for anti-atheist discrimination and seeks damages for economic losses and emotional distress.