
Condemning Hamas Earns Iranian Woman an 18-Year Prison Sentence

A prominent female Iranian dissident and political prisoner was given an additional 18-and-a-half-year prison sentence by the Islamic Republic after she released a statement condemning the October 7 attacks by Hamas against Israel and voicing her support for Israel.

Indian High Court Bows to Islam: Judge Denies Interfaith Marriage

A High Court in India rejected a plea for protection filed by a Hindu-Muslim couple, citing that their marriage is invalid as per Muslim Personal Law, which governs all Muslims in India in several aspects, such as marriage and divorce.

Trying to Open Pakistan's First Gay Club Lands Man in Mental Hospital

Local authorities detained a man in Pakistan in a mental hospital after he applied to set up the first gay club in the conservative, Muslim-majority nation.

Mob Unleashes Hell Upon Christians Over Burnt Quran Pages in Pakistan

A Christian father and son were attacked by hundreds of enraged Muslims in eastern Pakistan over allegations that the son desecrated pages of the Quran, leaving their house as well as their shoemaking factory ransacked and burned.

The angry Muslim mob went on a rampage on May 25th when locals claimed they saw burnt pages of the Quran outside the two Christian men’s house and accused the son of being behind it. The mob then set their house and shoemaking factory on fire and attacked the son.

Saudi Textbooks Erase Palestine: A New Shift in Middle East Politics?

Research made by an Israeli think tank revealed that textbooks from Saudi Arabia showed significant moderation of anti-Israel and antisemitic material, while references to Palestine were removed from most maps and lessons where they previously appeared, pointing to the possibility of the ultraconservative Muslim kingdom laying the groundwork for normalizing ties with the Jewish state.

Islamists Attack Iranian Dissidents in the United Kingdom

Supporters of the Iranian regime violently attacked Iranian dissidents on May 24th after a group of dissidents protested outside a vigil in London for Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran near the country’s border with Azerbaijan along with his foreign minister and several other Iranian officials on May 19th. 
