
Woman Suffering from Severe Illnesses Refused Abortion by El Salvador Supreme Court

Woman Refused Abortion - El Salvador

A critically ill woman has been denied abortion by the Supreme Court of El Salvador; a decision that attracted instant criticism from women's rights and health groups across the world. El Salvador is majorly a Roman Catholic nation; hence, abortions are prohibited legally under all circumstances. In fact, protection of life "from the moment of conception" is a constitutional clause.

Parents Denying Medical Healthcare in Favor of Prayer

Herbert and Catherine Schaible

Religious parents are continuing to deny their kids proper health care in favor of faith in the healing powers of their prayers. Denying medical care for their children is a common practice for members of faith healing churches. In particular, two faith healing churches in Philadelphia are now linked to over two dozen deaths due to this practice.

Atheist Lawmaker Quotes Carl Sagan Instead of Praying Before a House Session

State Representative Juan Mendez

It was quite an event at a session of the Arizona House of Representatives after Juan Mendez, who is an atheist democratic representative of Tempe, took the chance given to people who would like to pray before the session started. However, he asked the people present not to bow their heads as is the norm during most prayers.

Sentenced to Prison and Lashes for Converting a Woman to Christianity

Prison Bars and Lashes
Two men have been given jail sentences in Saudi Arabia after a court decided they had been behind the conversion of a Saudi woman from her previous Muslim faith to Christianity. One of the men was handed a six year jail sentence while the other must serve two years. They will also be forced to receive public lashes as part of their punishment with one man receiving 300 lashes and the other 200.

Topless Tunisian Activist Under Arrest and Awaiting Charges

Femen Activists

Amina Tyler, one of Tunisia's most outspoken activists who started a trend of “topless jihad” has been in the news lately because of her topless protests along with the radical feminist group Femen. Femen has a reputation for staging nude protests, moves which draws mixed reactions from the largely Islamic population. The string of nude protests which are largely believed to have stemmed from the topless protests staged by Tyler could possibly lead to charges being filed against her.
