
Survey Reveals that US Congress is More Religious than Most Americans

A new report from the Pew Research Center reveals that the 118th US Congress is more Christian and religious than the general public.

The new report says that around 88% of all members of Congress are Christian, compared to only 63% of Americans who identify as such. That includes 57% of Congress members who identify as Protestant and 28% who are Catholic, both higher than the national percentage.

Bus Driver's Refusal to Stop for Muslim Prayers Sparks Outrage in Turkey

A long-distance bus passenger in Turkey complained on Twitter that the driver refused to stop so he could pray, sparking a conversation about the majority Muslim nation and its secular constitution.

"Cleansing Society:" Iran's Insidious New Emboldened Forced Hijab Policy

Continuing the crackdown on women, Iran’s Headquarters for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has released a 119-page document outlining new rules women must now observe. 

IranWire called the new order, titled Hijab and Chastity Project, unhinged, calling out its most important goal: "cleansing society of the pollution caused by nonconformance with Islamic dress codes." 

20% of Americans Believe Bible is the "Literal Word of God," a Record Low

American views on the Bible have seen significant changes in recent times, even as Christian-Nationalist leaders, many of whom were appointed during the tenure of President Trump, push various conservative legislation. America's rapid growth as a secular country hasn't halted, as only a fifth of the country's total population (a record low) believes that the Bible is the literal word of God.
