Pew Research Center published a study showing how the Boston Marathon bombings led to a rise in religious hostilities in the U.S. from 2012 to 2013.
Levels of religious restrictions and hostilities in 25 of the most populated countries vary drastically, found a new study by Pew Research Center.
According to a recent poll, approximately 63 percent of Egyptians believe religious extremism is a prevailing problem in their country.
Talking of ways to counter religious extremism, the top cleric of Al-Azhar recently spoke of education reform across Islamic countries.
Weighing in on the debate over freedom of speech and expression, Pope Francis said anyone that insults religion could expect “a punch in the nose.”
Muslim clerics in India and Pakistan led funeral prayers for the two Algerian brothers that were responsible for the Charlie Hebdo killings.
Bryan Fischer said that the attack by radical Muslims on Charlie Hebdo was God’s punishment for the magazine’s continued blasphemous conduct.
As people protested against the Charlie Hebdo killings and rallied for freedom of speech, French premier Manuel Valls declared war on radical Islam.
Less than a week after the Charlie Hebdo attack claimed 12 lives, a German paper fell victim to arson for printing the controversial French cartoons.
A cartoon drawing of the Prophet leads gunmen to open fire on Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris.