Islamic cleric who inspires many terrorists claims terror and money laundering charges against him are part of anti-Muslim “persecution” in India.
Christian school told young boy who was allegedly repeatedly raped by four eight-grade students two years ago to “turn the other cheek.”
The Malaysian government plans to hunt down and punish Atheists. This, despite claims that Islam does not force people to accept Islam.
Malaysia, an officially secular state, is now threatened to gain the reputation of country with repressive regime because of persecution of atheists.
In “gifted” girls case, parents from Pennsylvania were sentenced to up to seven years in prison, while the perpetrator was found guilty on 17 charges.
The investigation showed that at least 547 young members of the Regensburger Domspatzen boys’ choir were subjected to physical abuse over six decades.
An in-depth report by ABC News is focused on domestic violence and religion which often encourages women to stay in an abusive relationship.
Henriette, a 17-year-old Christian girl, was allegedly murdered by her father because of dating a Muslim boy in the central Israeli town of Ramle.
Karar Noshi, a young theater student was killed on Monday, two days after he was kidnapped in Baghdad, apparently because of his unusual appearance.
In a new video on YouTube, world’s top religious leaders are sending an interesting message -Make friends with people of other faiths.