About Atheism

Atheism is a very broad term, even though it is basically interpreted as the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. The term is contrasted with theism, which suggests that there exists at least one deity. The word atheism dates back to the 5th Century BCE Greek word atheos, which means “without gods.” Over the years, the application of the word has been narrowed down significantly, thanks to the spread of freethought, skeptical inquiry and an increase in the criticism of religion.

Today, there are very few people who understand the concept completely and that is why atheism is often misunderstood and even vilified to a large extent. Different people perceive atheism differently, and hence, it is difficult to determine the total number of atheists in the world. Questions related to atheism can stem from philosophical, social or even historical perspectives. While some rationalize their lack of belief in a supernatural deity as insufficient empirical evidence, others rationalize their stance with the problem of evil that theism fails to resolve at many levels.

Whatever the reason may be for one to turn to atheism, Atheist Republic is one of the few organizations that try to highlight how okay it is to raise questions and seek answers, an idea that is often denounced by many religious people. The team at Atheist Republic strives to educate those interested in atheism, because they unanimously believe that understanding the subject will help one see how most of the attacks made upon atheism and atheists are based on mistaken assumptions and a general lack of knowledge.

Here is hoping you, too, find Atheist Republic to be a resourceful website that not only answers the questions you may have, but also enriches your mind.

When you surrender it all to a supposed “higher power,” you are giving up! Maybe that’s why so many relapse so often use these programs.

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Wandering in the wilderness for 40 years? What was the Sinai, a garden maze? Really, how stupid is this?

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My journey as an atheist in an atheist family and my early encounters with religion

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Some things once known can never be unknown again. Unless of course you're struck in the head very hard.

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Seeing the horrors of fundamentalism in graphic detail may just change how you view the abuses committed in its wake. For me, all it took was a bad YouTube video.

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Are emotional reasons for an atheistic perspective something we should evaluate? I for one think so.

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Saying that I can't do something because it's against your religion, is like saying that I can't eat cake because you're on a diet.

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It’s about everything but peace and equality

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With Syria in utter turmoil, horrific videos of scorched children and a certain famous video of a Muslim eating another man’s heart, how can anyone associate Islam with peace?

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Religion causes sexual repression and this is harmful in so many ways.

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