My Rational Assessment of Religion

As a scientist at heart (growing up in a religious household) I found very early in my teens that so many things in the bible simply didn't make any sense, or were physically impossible. I saw no possible mechanism in which any being could know all, see all, and control all. The obvious tall tales of the bible led me to a consideration of the rest of the doctrine, and I concluded that if some of it was too loony to be true, there was no reason to think that the rest of it was true. Yes, I considered the golden rule to be pretty good, and several of the commandments as well, as good directives for living in harmony with one's neighbors. But there is no room in my world-view for the supernatural (nor any necessity), and that includes religion. My "conversion" was more than half a century ago, and I've seen nothing since then that would change my mind.

- Ann Kah

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