I now only debate when I am attacked

I have longed for an actual debate with my thiest peers. With that being said, I don't think I ever get a fair shake from them to actually stop and truly listen nor give me anything new to ponder.

When I first started talking about being an athiests and (my favorite saying) our "lack of beliefs", I was ill prepared for how staunchly a religious man (or woman) hold the belief of that organization. Seems that I would drop a fact as 2+2=4, but everytime (even after I show my work long hand) I would get a response of "well the book says", "That's not correct", and/or "you got to have faith". I have faith, and its not religion based. Go figure. Unfortunately even debates between scientist and religious elders (those who did the homework) seems to be a big fiasco as both end up just agreeing to disagree.

I now only debate when I am attacked. I don't wish to attack people because they believe. That is there own handicap to deal with. I have engaged my nephew as he is a believer and did a lot to change his life for the better. He says its all owed to god. And it saddens me to have him think he can't do the hard work for himself. Dont get me wrong, him believing in god and going to church is so much better than the way he use to live in the streets. I am thankful he will be able to age and mature a free (and alive) man.

I have notebooks full of passages from my bible (yes I have one.. come on) that I have gathered through the years of arguing (less debating back then) the christians at my school, the store, home and everywhere. I have talked to my nephew and even delivered a surmon on "the lack of logic" in the bible. He agrees that even though he still believes, that the book, being written by man, is "a bit off"

It seems no matter what evidence I can bring to the table, I can't get a person with a "god set mind" to even agree that the books (pick one) are just man made and factually wrong. Like I said I would appreciate an intellectual debate with someone that won't get mad because I won't allow the bible as evidence of god.

My answer:

I believe, that if both parties are agreeing, and both can walk away when its done, that it is healthy for athiests and thiests alike. Even though it will usually end in a stalemate.

- Michael Tally

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