She can only have friends that she will see in heaven

A better be safe than sorry story.

I once had a friend of 12 years, she was a good friend and confidant. One day we took our lunch break, and she says to me, would you ever think of being born again? I say, what? are you serious? She says, yes, very serious. And goes on to tell me three weeks prior she and her husband who saved. I laugh and say from what. She didn't crack a smile. And than actually said the words. And she said with pride and kinda of a creepy smile, will you turn life over to our lord and savior. I look at her and say no that will never happen. And then she tells me, that she can only have friends that she will see in heaven and since I'm going to burn in hell she can no longer  be my friend. That was ten years ago.She never spoke to me again.  I missed her. But I guess she caught a sickness, called religion.

- Danielle Baker

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