The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture

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The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture
The God Virus

The God Virus: How Religion Infects Our Lives and Culture

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The author, Dr. Darrel Ray, is a psychologist as well as a lifelong student of religion who has made an incredible contribution to our understanding of ourselves and our society. It is true that a lot of non-believers have used the virus analogy before but it is Dr. Ray who put this virus under the microscope. He put the infection under close scrutiny, exploring questions like: How come sexual repression is so prevalent in various religions? What is guilt's role in religious infection? What is behind all the anxiety and illogicality around dying and death? How does religion sneak into so many aspects of life and even in culture and politics?

This book would take the reader further - from merely acknowledging that religion is an infection to understanding the inner workings of a person (personal or emotional) who lives in a culture where religion thrives. The author cited examples that anyone could relate to, guiding readers about interacting with religious family members, friends and people in the workplace.

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Zaphod's picture
Definitely seems interesting
SammyShazaam's picture
This book addresses come
Zaphod's picture
I would still be interested
SammyShazaam's picture
There's a disturbing trend I
Zaphod's picture
Apparently as people get
firebolt's picture
You'll get a kick out of this
Assumption13's picture
I think psychology is an
mattyn's picture
The book takes an interesting
efpierce's picture
Guilt, sexual repression,
ginamoon's picture
I could agree that religions
AnimalLeader's picture
I will be ordering this one
efpierce's picture
Aren't we able to share our
Justin's picture
Certain ebooks can be lent
XyberEX's picture
Aside from some typos, this
enigmaparibus's picture
A wonderful and enlightening


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Vincent Paul Tran's picture
I see social science and
Sue Worthington's picture
Shouldn't religion be
Assumption13's picture
I like what you said but I
Kevin Levites's picture
directed at suejkw
vg2903's picture
I do believe in that as i'm

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