The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

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The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution
The Greatest Show on Earth

The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

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The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution

Charles Darwin may have shook society to its core with his masterpiece On the Origin of Species in 1859 because he was only too aware of the controversy his theory could stir but even he would not know how to react if he knew that the world is still debating over the issue a century and a half later. While all scientists believe in evolution, millions of people continue to question its authenticity. Thus, Richard Dawkins takes on creationists including those who believe in Intelligent Design and substantiate the notion of evolution through natural selection in his book The Greatest Show on Earth.

He sifts through fascinating layers of scientific facts and disciplines to build a cast-iron case, citing examples of natural selection in birds and insects, time clocks of trees and radioactive dating that standardize a timescale for evolution, fossil records that trace man’s earliest ancestors, molecular biology and genetics to prove how evolution is the only explainable truth.

The book has been published at a time when more people are systematically opposing traditional views in America. In The Greatest Show on Earth, Dawkins tries to clarify with scientific interpretations the doubts that people across the world have about the start of the universe while sharing with his readers his palpable love for the natural world at the same time. Written with wit, passion and elegance, this book is not only consuming it is also extremely convincing.

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firebolt's picture
This sounds like a very
Ron van Wiggen's picture
I read this book and I really
Scrimmle's picture
This is Dawkins at his best
chorlton's picture
you could buy and read this
Cognostic's picture
Dennis Reilly's picture
I highly recommend this book.
DarkkWolfe's picture
I'm halfway through and I
Grinseed's picture
I gave my copy of this book

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