Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief

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Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief
Raising Freethinkers

Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief

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Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief - Dale McGowan

One question that haunts most atheists, if not always, then surely when they plan to become parents is, how to best raise a child in an atheist household. The perks of following a traditional religion is that it offers a particular set of traditions, practices and answers that are well-suited for raising children. While not all those answers may be accurate and traditions appropriate, they definitely help to provide a map. So what do atheist parents do to ensure their children are brought up equally well, if not better?

Praised by Library Journal as “accessible and down to earth” and Newsweek as “a compelling read”, Dale McGowan’s Parenting Beyond Belief serves as a guidebook for freethinking parents across the world who want to raise ethical children, without religious influences. The book not only offers solutions to the unique challenges faced by secular parents while bringing up children, but it also lists out several activities for both parents and children in an atheist household. It covers every topic that could be of any importance to nonreligious parents while they try to help their children’s moral and intellectual capacities to develop. Raising Freethinkers includes chapters on religious-extended family members, life, death and secular celebrations among others.

The book is available along with DVDs, curricula, online resource materials and educational toys. There is no need to think twice. Simply add this item to your shopping cart if you wish to be a successful freethinking parent.

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firebolt's picture
This sounds like a very

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