Christian Forum Restrictions

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Pitar's picture
Christian Forum Restrictions

I found the above link simply by happenstance and realize now that perhaps atheism is not the only tool in the shed.

The Nicene Creed of 325 was a debate called by Emperor Constantine to once and for all get the early bishops of christianity to agree upon the substance of the jesus character. The Arian Controversy in heated debate between factions (for 50 years) within christianity argued that a living jesus could not be a god if he was born into and then died after a mortal existence. Arians evidenced it because Paul wrote of a docetic (spiritual) jesus only. Other christian bishops argued that the Arian thinking was heretical and that jesus was a god by mere acknowledgement that he was begotten by a god, but he was also a man because a real man was the needed revelation christianity could have over all other religions.

Keep in mind that both sides knew no such personage ever existed, by evidence of Paul's writings, and the controversy was about how to create it from thin air. The intensity of this bitter disagreement was such that Constantine could no longer see himself as a leader without bringing both factions to the bargaining table and suing for peace.

The meeting convened and went nowhere. Both factions fought and even became physically violent. Bishop Alexander of Alexandria was opposed to Arius and one of his representatives actually slapped Arius. The situation could not be resolved.

Constantine could take no more. He knew full well the jesus story supporting it as a god, begot from a god, was already 300+ years in the telling and he had no choice but to side with Alexander. Arius was excommunicated and exiled, along with his followers, by Constantine because they would not sign Constantine's edict that jesus was of the same substance as the father, and a mortal man...yadayada.

The above Christian Forum link clearly has one poster citing that forum's rules prohibiting discussion of the Nicene Creed. That the jesus character, and subsequent expansion into the bible, was decided by a politician instead of by the word of god doesn't pay itself forward very well. Christians of all stripes are probably disallowed the flexibility of bringing such conflicts into open discussion.

So, informed christians are now in the wheelhouse and steering discussions towards their problems with christianity's internal conflicts. The tide is turning.

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Sky Pilot's picture


What a bunch of thin-skinned people at that site. It's more restrictive than North Korea.

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