The Dawn of a New Beginning

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Newlin-Aurora Renelle's picture
The Dawn of a New Beginning

Hello everyone,

I am new to the Atheist society. Just over a week ago, I secretly declared myself an Atheist. To be honest, it is kind of scary. If anybody found out that I am an Atheist, I would be disowned because I don't have "the beliefs of God" and that I will be sentenced to hell for the rest of eternity. Being raised in a Christian household and going to a Christian school for a few years, I am still a little intimidated and a little scared. But yet, I have seen the lies in religion, the cruel actions that people do in the name of religion and I want to be free. I gave myself a new name and abandoning the name which my parents gave me which means "the sword of God". No, I don't want to be the sword that killed so many people. My name now Is Newlin-Aurora Renelle, which means new beginning. I heard that you guys are very supportive, will any of you support me throughout this new beginning?

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LogicFTW's picture
Welcome to the boards! Tons

Welcome to the boards! Tons of support to be had here! :)

algebe's picture
Welcome Newlin-Aurora.

Welcome Newlin-Aurora. Congratulations on your decision to become an atheist. It takes a lot of courage to take that step when you're living in a Christian environment. Good luck.

Stu. K.'s picture
Welcome! As Logic said, there

Welcome! As Logic said, there's so much support here. If you have any questions, please ask :) And congrats on becoming an atheist.

Usagi's picture
It's scary to face people

It's scary to face people that may wish you harm because of your views but you aren't leaving your teachings for them but for your own well-being. It takes courage so remember that you are strong and I really hope you find happiness as an atheist. Anything we can help with we are here. Cheers

chimp3's picture


ZeffD's picture
"..will any of you support me

"..will any of you support me throughout this new beginning?"
Of course, online. If people will abandon you simply because you don't believe their god exists you might wish to consider whether you've ever been anything but alone. I suggest it might be possible to find someone who values you more. A good place to start might be your local groups of non-believers? You could google your locality and humanist, freethinking, Bright, atheist or secular meetup or group. If you want a congregation per se, perhaps there are local unitarians, congregationalists or even Quakers who are more tolerant or accommodating.

CyberLN's picture
Welcome to AR! Glad to have

Welcome to AR! Glad to have you join!

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Welcome to the AR : )

Welcome to the AR : )

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