Difference between pro-choice and pro-life?

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Kwahu Jakquai's picture
Another question to consider

Another question to consider is, If the male who impregnated said female, wanted to op out of raising a child and wanted an abortion, and the female chose to keep the baby, should the male be held financially responsible above and beyond the cost of an abortion if he is unable to make the choice he desires?

Flamenca's picture
Very interesting question...

Very interesting question... I would go with....Yes, he should, but not for the interest of the woman, but for the baby's sake.

But if the woman is economically independent, and she could raise the child by herself, it's something to be thought carefully... As a woman, I would not ask for responsabilities if he wouldn't want to get involved and I could provide and raise the kid on my own... But then the male would have to lose any right on the kid as a father whatsoever...

Unfortunately, in most cases, that's not the situation (most single mums make an enormous effort and do not forget there's still a big sallary gap between us in most countries), and laws are supposed to benefit in the majority of cases, so I wouldn't change them.

What do you guys think?

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
I would have to suppose this

I would have to suppose this question has stemmed from information I learned from Canada, and he had a concern about women keeping a child, not working or bringing in an income, and relying on the welfare system and the male you had gotten them pregnant for their livelihood.

Flamenca's picture
Well, there's a risk, even

Well, there's a risk, even with high-quality condoms... I haven't met any woman who has deceived a man into doing it, but I guess it could happen...

But even if the woman is a freeloader, the baby's interests should come first.

Kwahu Jakquai's picture
Perhaps the best interest for

Perhaps the best interest for the baby would be not being brought into this world if the parents were incapable of emotionally or financially capable of taking care of it?

Flamenca's picture
Well... I agree 100%, but

Well... I agree 100%, but what can I say? I don't have kids because I think the best interest for anyone is not being brought into this world -period-, so even more in case of emotional or finantial issues.


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