escape of superstition

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maming's picture
escape of superstition

why I left Islam:

All Islamic people believe that all human kind will go to hell except Muslim which is illogical
Kill unbelievers where ever you fine.
Islam doesn't fit our modern society.
Islam is strongly anti scientific, the only weapon we have to secure our planet.
being Muslim is utterly time consuming.
I can do good much much better without believing mambo jumbo!
the way Muslim countries treat women is unfair and disgusting they treat women like their property which is quite tragic.

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watchman's picture


Welcome to the enlightenment ....

What caused your conversion .....

and where in the world are you ... nothing too specific...don't put yourself at risk.

maming's picture
watchman.. thanks! actually

watchman.. thanks! actually the main thing that caused my conversion was believing without family don't know and i don't expose and tell them my conversion if i tell them they will disown me for ever I'm just trying to stay away from them so that i will live free, i'm living in turkey right now!

watchman's picture
Glad to hear you are in a

Glad to hear you are in a relatively secular place at the moment.... ( despite the efforts of Mr Erdogan) ... Take care of your self.

maming's picture
thanks! really hard to fine

thanks! really hard to fine guys like you!

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
welcome to the world of sane

welcome to the world of sane people

CyberLN's picture
Hi maming. Welcome. Nice to

Hi maming. Welcome. Nice to have you join us :-)
Curious about your talk about arriving at atheism because you found Islam, uh, distasteful. How big a part did a conclusion that there is insufficient evidence for gawd play in your transformation?

maming's picture
thanks, cyberln.. it was

thanks, cyberln.. it was always insufficient for me believing god or supernatural being who is up there handle every bit of of thing in universe and will torture part of his creatures those who do bad thing since he is the one who created bad one and good one. I was always asking my self if there is god why can he just bless all beings. why he created bad ones to spoil good ones. and what he getting torturing part of his!

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