Hi all

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Zaphod's picture
Hi all

Anyone here who remembers me from way back when this site was getting started?

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chimp3's picture
No. Was not here then.

No. Was not here then. Welcome back!

CyberLN's picture

Z!!!!! Welcome back! What have you been up to?

Zaphod's picture
I've been through a lot and

I've been through a lot and moved several times and made some serious life changes in so far as occupations, where spend my time, how I spend it, future plans, relationship status ect. Still making changes in fact. How about you?

CyberLN's picture
So glad you're back!

So glad you're back!

I'm getting by...struggling physically but nothing that I'll let drag me under.

Would love to hear all about your changes....feel free to PM me if you're up to sharing.

Zaphod's picture
I will PM you later when I

I will PM you later when I have more time, I'm glad your still around and not letting things drag you under. My body is doing wonderful better than it's been in many years. If i can get things situated out here in the next couple years I still would not mind visiting you at some point.

jamiebgood1's picture
Hi Zaphod

Hi Zaphod
Your pic is awesome:) reminds me of a adult cartoon voiced by will ferral called the oblongs. Such a good show. They live next to nuclear waste so they are all deformed. Dad, Will, has no arms or legs. kids have growths spurting out of their head and twins share a body with there two heads they fight on what they want to do.

Zaphod's picture
Thank you!

Thank you!

I am familiar with the show, Inspired by the Coneheads I when I was kid aged 13 or 14 I think going to catholic school I made about 3 issues of a comic I called the Pentagrams before the teacher looked into what other students were looking at and laughing about and I got in trouble. It was shown to my mom and I got in more trouble thus ending it before it ever made it into production. LOL, I am very surprised how similar this show was to my comic.

As for the photo it is not my art, but it's an illustration of one my favorite literary caricatures Zaphod Beeblebrox. I like it because when I was reading the Hitchhiker's Guide it was very close to how I envisioned the caricature to look. I envisioned him being a bit less slim but otherwise pretty much exactly the same. I liked it a lot when when I saw it and made it my profile pic.

You look familiar by the way. Not from in person but from somewhere else online recently, I think you're a friend of a friend or part of some other group I belong to. Do you use this photo on Facebook?

Nyarlathotep's picture
You need to add some peril

You need to add some peril sensitive sunglasses to him!

Zaphod's picture
Yeah for sure, the original

Yeah for sure, the original artist does. I envision them looking like a bulky pair of aviators. Or a cross between baller and ski mask, maybe something daft punk would wear or you would see in a Missy Elliot video.

jamiebgood1's picture
thats crazy about your comic.

thats crazy about your comic. sound fun. Went to Carlsbad high in ca. graduated '96. I don't post on Facebook because too many clients n christian friends. I'm on twitter at @JBrezo. I also did Y.W.A.M. in Colorado Springs and South Africa after high school

jamiebgood1's picture
If you went to my twitter

If you went to my twitter account I apologize for my goofy pic. I'm not usually that stupid looking, I will change it soon:)

ZeffD's picture
Hi. The more the merrier.

Hi. The more the merrier. Welcome back.

LogicFTW's picture
Welcome back Zaphod.

Welcome back Zaphod.
How long ago was it when this site was just getting started?

Zaphod's picture
I don't remember but I think

I don't remember but I think there was a big bang or something like that involved. ;)

NameRemovedByMod's picture
Hi, nice to meet you! Glad

Hi, nice to meet you! Glad you came back. The more voices here, the better.

watchman's picture
Yo !

Yo !
Zaphod .... good to "see" you again ...

Zaphod's picture
Hey there watchman. How have

Hey there watchman. How have you been. I'm back again. Yeah a more than a year after the last post.

Endri Guri's picture
Oh, Hi there!

Oh, Hi there!
I've actually been scrolling down old posts and I've occasionally seen your comments. You're a very intriguing person, I'd love to hear your thoughts on nowadays posts. Also, might I ask what brought you back here, or was this "absence" just a plain long time break?

Zaphod's picture
Just checking in and seeing

Just checking in and seeing how things have progressed.

Zaphod's picture
Any now-a-day post you would

Any now-a-day post you would like me to focus on?

Zaphod's picture
Yeah I used to post a lot on

Yeah I used to post a lot on here and on other sites under different names and identities but life has taken some turns and I don't have that sort of time anymore. At some of the sites I enjoyed more than others, I will make the occasional reappearance and see how things are going.


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CyberLN's picture
Hi Z! Hope all is well with

Hi Z! Hope all is well with you. So good to see your smiling faces again! Have missed you!

ThePragmatic's picture
LoL, two threads to say hello

LoL, two threads to say hello again. I guess one for each head? :)

Zaphod's picture
LOL, yeah started a new one

LOL, yeah started a new one when I came back again a little more year after the last. Responded to a couple post on the last one bringing it to the top of the forum. Deleted the content of the last post but could not delete the entire topic. But yeah its fitting considering who I am. Dumb improbability drive what am I going to do with all these penguins.

Tin-Man's picture
@Zaphod Re: "Dumb

@Zaphod Re: "Dumb probability drive what am I going to do with all these penguins."

Ask the mice. They should know.

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