High School or College Clubs

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RubiksAndRum's picture
High School or College Clubs

I'm fairly new here and enjoy browsing the topics and discussions for things that I haven't seen or thought about before. I searched for a thread about how to start a club on a high school or college campus, but I found none. If someone could direct me to a similar thread I would really appreciate it.

For those with more time to read, or who are more interested in helping than others, I am asking because I would like to start a club on my college campus. I am a student at a small college in Saint Louis, Missouri. Clubs for Christians and Muslims already exist, but there's not a club for other religions or secular students. Here's what I would like to see:
- A club that focuses on studying ALL religions equally and understanding why they exist.
- A club that emphasizes the importance of secularism.
- A club that offers shelter and support for atheists/agnostics/secularists on campus.
- A club that, in general, focuses on accepting, understanding, and studying all religions (and non-religious groups).

I have considered starting a club under the Secular Student Alliance, but I fear that I would have trouble incorporating the study of the world's religions. I have also considered calling the club "Comparative Religions Club", but then it loses the impact of secularism, which is what I really want to push.
Regardless of what I call it, does anybody know of some resources that I could use to teach or lecture on to new members or recently "converted" atheists? I don't want to be too preachy (the irony is strong), but I also want to stay away from cheesy ice-breaker games. I would like to incorporate news about secular events and decisions in politics and healthcare (since the college is a pharmacy school), as well as atheist or agnostic media, such as songs, books, movies, and such.

All help is welcome. Thank you.

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hermitdoc's picture
I follow David G.McAfee on

I follow David G.McAfee on Facebook. You may know of him. He is an atheist, but studied religion (not theology) in college and is an advocate of studying religion from a secular viewpoint. He is also a skeptic. I'll bet he would have advice for you.
Myself, I am sooooo far from college I would have no idea where to start.

sharpguy88's picture
You could call it "Secular

You could call it "Secular Religious Studies Club"... though the name is a bit of an oxymoron.

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