I am new

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freetothink's picture
I am new

Hi everyone, I am new here. Ever since I can remember, I have never believed in God or been a fan of religion. I consider myself an atheist, but I have never really done any research into what that term means so I have started to do some reading and thinking about what exactly that means to me. I came here because I wanted a safe place to chat and share ideas.

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CyberLN's picture
Welcome free!

Welcome free!

Ellie Harris's picture


Jeff Vella Leone's picture
welcome to the forum

welcome to the forum
click on any profile and feel free to engage in any conversion.

Zaphod's picture
Cool, welcome and remember it

Cool, welcome and remember it your looking for strictly atheist opinion we got the hub, if you want theist to chime in we got the debate room. Feel free to start topic on pretty much any subject, it does not have to pertain to god or theism even though a lot of what you see on these forums does.

freetothink's picture
Thank you all for the warm

Thank you all for the warm welcome and the quick intro to using the forums. It is much appreciated.

Lmale's picture


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