landmark event!

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C.G._Cruttenden's picture
landmark event!

Yesterday in an ESPN interview Houston Texans running back Arian Foster came out as the first Secular pro athlete. Arian who was raises Muslim has read the Quran and the Bible but, was raised to be an open minded free think. This lead him to take the scientific approch and denounce faith without evidence. His entire career was played in the Bible Belt. He attended college at Tennessee and now plays in Houston. Arian was known for not participating in the pre- and post-game prayer and would often sit on the bench listening to his head phones while the other players went through the ritual. This and his defiance to attend mandatory Sunday mass at Tennessee unjustly tarnished Fosters image. The highly intelligent Foster would often debate players and challenge their faith. Always out witting them with his knowledge of scripture, science and philosophy. He found a friend in Ravans running back Justin Forsett. Forsett, the son of a preacher would take Foster on as a formidable opponent. This made the 2 players relationship grow and dispite their opposing beliefs, They stay in contact regularly. This is truly a landmark occasion for secularism. I think this might be the tip of the iceberg and we could see more players of all sports coming forward with their beliefs. Yesterday was a proud day for Arian and all of us.

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hermitdoc's picture
I agree.

I agree.
Here is a link for his "Openly Secular" video.

ThePragmatic's picture
It's great when people come

It's great when people come out publicly like this.

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