My boyfriend is a Christian and I don't know how to live with it..

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OCB1995's picture
My boyfriend is a Christian and I don't know how to live with it..

Let me start off by saying I'm sorry for the long read.. But I desperately need advice. I'm going to try and explain my situation as fully as I can in hopes someone can help me...

I started dating this guy about 7 months ago.. We immediately hit it off like we'd known each other for years. I'd always known he was a Christian and he always knew I was an Atheist. It was kind of off putting for the both of us but we clicked so well in everything else that we didn't care. Recently though I've started to care more... I have a son with someone else and I want more kids in the future. I don't want to "date around", I'd like to find someone I can spend my life with. I can definitely see him as someone I could marry and have kids with.. but when I started thinking about that I started to think about how we would raise our kids with our differentiating religious beliefs. I feel like raising kids as a certain religion is brain washing.. he doesn't feel the same way. He wants to read them bible stories and take them to church. I don't mind them being exposed to it but I don't want to teach them that either way is the definite truth. I want them to come to their own conclusions with their own minds..He says that he would accept if they didn't want to be Christian but it would make him sad. The same way it makes him sad that I'm not Christian... A few nights ago we got into a really upsetting conversation about all this. He said he'd be a happier person if I was Christian. The thought of me not being able to make him completely happy unless I changed who I am as a person made me extremely upset. He started saying that I was only afraid of Christianity because of my traumatic childhood of abuse from my father who blamed it on God. I know that this trauma gives me an aversion to the topic but it doesn't make me afraid of it. I know deep down in my core that I just do not believe there is a God. He also told me about these experiences he's had with God. He talked in tongues and could understand other people talking in tongues, had visions of seeing God, heard Gods voice, etc. He said "why do you think you met me? God chases you everywhere until you believe." I started getting really freaked out. I ended up running out of his house. I ran straight home but couldn't get in because every door was locked. ( this was at two in the morning and I live with someone else) So I ran to my parents house and they wouldn't answer. My phone was dead and some men had been following me around the neighborhood for a while.. so I decided to go back to his house because I didn't know where else to go. He told me the reason I ran is because he had the "holy spirit" in him and that makes people uncomfortable... I actually ran because im scared of him. I'm scared that he might be crazy. All these experiences he talks about don't sound like God to me. His first "vision" was years ago when he was a drug addict. He overdosed and "saw God" which is what made him turn his life around. I believe that he really sees these things.. but I don't believe they're real... Now, he's an amazing person.. he's treated me better than any guy ever has, he's funny, he's talented, very attractive, hard working, and we have a lot in common. He's shown me things I've never seen before and taught me a lot. He's made me feel things I've never felt before. He's everything I've ever wanted in a man. I've never loved anyone more than him. And he says he feels the same way about me. But can we be happy with each other in a long term relationship? Is he crazy? Does it matter if he is? Crazy people can still love and be loved of course.. But I don't know if I can live with it... I don't know what to do. I don't know if I can get past it and be okay with the way he sees the world.

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Anonymous's picture
Olivia, don't apologize for
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You love him, and he loves
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Sometimes we fall in love
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I feel for you Tin. I am
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@ Olivia
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Shhhh..... She is still
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Great blog, thank you for
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Your post is fascinating and
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We have such erotic and cute


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