The Never-Addressed reasons that lead me to Atheism

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Chris Hennessy's picture
The Never-Addressed reasons that lead me to Atheism

Hey all.

Long time lurker, first time poster. Been wanting to put certain things out into the world recently due to frustrations with the way society is I guess. Despite it likely being in vein, I guess it still feels good to do.

Recently, I put out a video on the reasons that lead me to Atheism. These reasons I've also never seen addressed or even attempted to be refuted by creationists (if anyone has links to some debates id be interested), so I thought i'd share and see what peoples 2 cents was or give value to "new" atheists. I stopped believing in god only about 2 years ago and Im 35. It was a strange feeling, that didn't go away straight away, I'll say that.

Anyway, I hope its ok to share. If not, no worries.



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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀'s picture
I like the video! Great

arakish's picture
The one part I disagree with

The one part I disagree with is the age. I feel religion should not be allowed to be taught to children until they are at least 24. Why 24? Hopefully by then they will have gotten at least a Bachelor's Degree and already have been trained to think critically well enough to stave off the bullshit of religion.


LogicFTW's picture
I like this idea, probably in

I like this idea, probably in large part because in order for it to work, a real critical thinking skills college education must be available to anyone that wants it.

arakish's picture
And that is true. Here is a

And that is true. Here is a Fuzzy. Tax the churches and use that money to pay for such education.


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