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Mountainman's picture
New member

I just joined the Atheist Republic and I'm hoping to find friends and support. I was raised in a christian home where breaking "gods laws" resulted in being told you have to face judgement and punishment someday. Except him as savior or burn in hell. All the usual religious brainwashing! I remember as a kid being scared to death of him! As I grew up and left home, my interests in earth science started me on an intellectual journey I had never been exposed to before. I started going to college in 2007 and soon realized that my learning had caused my faith to waver. I could no longer except the bible as the word of god . Logic and reasoning became my truth and reality.
I have always been a seeker of truth. Even as a kid I always wanted to "know why", which used to drive my mother crazy. I guess ignorance is bliss for some people. She told me many times not to question anything just accept it. Well, I no longer except religious bullshit and the pain that goes with it! I'm glad I know the truth now. "There is no god and I'm a new athiest"!

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ThePragmatic's picture


Good for you that you got out and found your own way. Indoctrination is so appalling and cruel.
You are most certainly not alone.

I just listen to this heartbreaking story of a guy who as a 6-yo was subjected to having his whole family uprooted and try to escape the rapture (that of course didn't come), lived in the mountain for weeks, got tricked out of their money, etc. He watched his father try to hit a rock with his staf, to make "water come forth", á la Moses.
That is one hell of a way to find out the truth.

Mountainman's picture
Thanks for the feedback :)

Thanks for the feedback :) yeah, I'm just glad I'm now on the path to becoming a real human being. A human being who is the product of evolution and part of the great web of life here on earth...

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
welcome to the forum and if

welcome to the forum and if you have any question you can make a topic yourself about it or ask me any questions you want.

Enjoy your life to the fullest and do not let others dictate it to you.

Mountainman's picture
Thank You Jeff! As a new

Thank You Jeff! As a new atheist, I know I will probably have some questions about how to deal with different people and situations. For instance, what is the best way to tell your family your an atheist? I still haven't told my sister, although I believe she already has guessed that my views have changed. She is one of those christains who studies the book of revelations, and believes we are in the end times! She told me recently that I'm not able to find a job because I no longer go to church and worship god! Damn, the invisible man sure is a heartless bastard! I won't find a job unless I'm giving my life over to christ? This crap is really unreal once your eyes are open to see it for what it is - man made bullshit! I have gone through a lot of pain and sorrow in my life and now I realize most of it was the product of twisted religious indoctrination at a young age. Like telling an 8 year old boy he will go to hell for masturbation! Shit, no wonder religious people are so screwed up when it comes to anything that's sexual in nature! Anyway, I have a story to tell and someday soon I'll share it. Lets just say its been a long journey and I'm glad I am now an atheist!

cmallen's picture
There really isn't a reason

There really isn't a reason why you should have to tell your family anything. You don't need to "come out of the closet." You just don't share one particular belief with them, they will probably figure that out just by the way you speak and act. If talk about religion and god bothers you, then you have the perfect right to say, "look, I'm really not interested, thanks." or something like that. They will get the picture and respect that, or else they have no respect for you. You can tell them that too if they persist in talking about it; that they aren't respecting you. Just try to let go of the lies you've been told and the suffering that has caused you, it will only hurt you in the end.

ThePragmatic's picture
That is a good point: In some

That is a good point: In some cases it might be better to not say it.

Some religious people are too deep into their delution to handle it in a civil manner. And then it could just make things worse.

In other cases it has been a really good decition, with positive outcome.

It is hard to know what the outcome might be.

maming's picture
welcome to the forum!

welcome to the forum!

Mountainman's picture
Thank you!

Thank you!

PunKing's picture
Welcome to the forum Mountain

Welcome to the forum Mountain man! I'm sure you'll love it here, I've learned so much in such a little amount of time its amazing!

oldmoo's picture
I am a new member, too. And

I am a new member, too. And I am fortunate to live in a family that is non-theistic, in a neighborhood where people don't advertise their faith if they have any, and a city where intolerance is considered bad manners. And my advice is to not say anything (they will pick it up from you) and remember that YOUR beliefs (or non-beliefs) are more valid than THEIRS because you can offer proof. All they have is faith and tradition, both of which will change in time.

Paul J. Daniels's picture
I don't think I have ever met

I don't think I have ever met a family like that, nor been to a city like that.... Where is this place?

Paul J. Daniels's picture
You are most definitely not

You are most definitely not alone... I was raised by internationally ordained christian ministers, if it make you feel any better...

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