The only reason my mom hasn't cheated on my dad is christianity

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Yunabesaid's picture
The only reason my mom hasn't cheated on my dad is christianity

So I was having a theological conversation with my mom and she asked how I know what's right and wrong, and what to do and not do, without god. I said I don't need god to know those things. I asked her if she would cheat on her husband (they've been married 30 years) if god wasn't there to tell her not to. She said yes, she would! I was completely shocked. Is that normal? I thought that mutual love and respect was how their marriage kept going, but is it actually just a mutual belief in an invisible man in the sky who told them not to cheat?



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watchman's picture
@ Yunabesaid ...

@ Yunabesaid ...

"she asked how I know what's right and wrong, and what to do and not do, without god."

Yes ..the "how can you be good without God" line is a favourite with a lot of theists....which I've always found a little puzzling...

You might want to point out that according to the christian myth it is NOT from Yahweh/God that the knowledge of good and evil (and hence morality) comes..... It was the Serpent who brought humanity knowledge.....( and , if you recall , the way to knowledge was presented to the female of the species not the male.).

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