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Harry33Truman's picture
Recently in Donald Trump

Donald Trump recently shot down a Syrian plane thus causing Putin to order that all US planes that are spotted be shot down as well. In effect, Donald Trump did what Hillary promised to do- set up a no fly zone, which I said would put us into WW3, and was thus one of the major reasons I opposed her and supported Trump, which is ironic because he turned around and did just what Hillary said she would do.

In other news- the Republicans just passed Trumpcare through the House, and I just hope it isn't going to be as bad as the last healthcare bill Republicans proposed (*cough* Romney Care).

He also pulled us out of the Paris Agreement (whoch is good), and is bringing back coal, which is also good- and will help the economy, but nuclear war is even worse for the economy than absurd regulations imposed to protect us from man bear pig (I meant global warming), so his whole 'war in Syeia' bullshit pretty much negates any good things he is doing.

He just needs to get our troops out of Syria right now- we marched right in, and we can march right out. I don't care if Assad is killing his own people- ha can kill all of his people for all I care- better yet, he can kill every person from every country save America, and then kill himself, and I still wouldn't care. It's none of our concern.

We were warned by out founding fathers to stay out of foreign wars- the Monroe Doctrine and all.

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algebe's picture
@Harry "I don't care if Assad

@Harry "I don't care if Assad is killing his own people- ha can kill all of his people for all I care"

Well that seems a bit callous and shortsighted. As long as you have bastards like Assad oppressing, terrorizing, and murdering their own people, you're going to have vast refugee flows and increasing problems with terrorism and instability.

Also, people in chaotic, despotic countries are unlikely to be a good market for American goods and services. So in the name of enlightened self-interest alone, America should be exerting pressure against despotism.

Harry33Truman's picture
With regards to refugees- the

With regards to refugees- the simple solution is to bar them from entering the US, just flat out don't let them in. I don't care I'd they buy American goods or not.

algebe's picture
How's the weather on Planet

How's the weather on Planet America?

Harry33Truman's picture
Dry- not a cloud in the sky.

Dry- not a cloud in the sky.

LogicFTW's picture
Okay, need to clear a few

Okay, need to clear a few things up with you. About the only thing I agree with you on is, yes there should not be American troops in Syria, there should be aid organizations and world peace keepers there instead.

Trump-care did not just pass through the house. It is not even an act or a law, its a bill, (have to keep it financial/budget oriented or it will never pass the required super majority in the senate.) It passed the house over a month ago, and the senate just released last night it's proposed amendments so they can try and vote on it next week before they go a long summer recess. (Then this amended bill has to pass the house again.)

He pulled us out of Paris agreement, true, has not brought back coal yet (he cant, no one can,) only progress he done so far has only given coal investors and owners and upper management a windfall as he opened up new national park land to mining and reduced environmental protections, rules and regulations and other laws put in place to protect the people. The entire coal mining industry, including office workers and management is about 80,000 people, the industry has been in steep decline for the last century. (Renewable energy industry employees over 200,000 people by the way, and has been growing rapidly.) He is also screwing over miners (the actual workers, not management,) and small towns hit worse by the decline in coal by de-funding the Appalachian Regional Commission fund.

Certainly agree with you nuclear war is bad for the economy, (and everyone's health!)

Believing global warming is not real, is roughly akin to believing the world is only 6000 years old. Almost no one agrees with you, including Trump, (okay he flip flops on it a lot, but most recently he admitted that global warming is real,) Exxon Mobil, (and nearly other fossil fuel based company,) the pope, and 99.9 percent of all scientist that actually study climate all say global warming is happening.

You really go off the deep end with the: "he can kill everyone in every country except America, (I assume you mean USA.) Really you don't care? I know you do not mean that literally. If 6.7 billion people were killed off by Assad all economy would collapse in the US, you can kiss your parents job goodbye. And can forget about ever getting a job yourself. I know, you are just a kid spouting regurgitated nonsense you heard, but I feel I need to be a voice that tells you how it actually is, especially when you make a new thread with a whole bunch of statements that simply are not true.

algebe's picture
I bet there were people

I bet there were people sitting in deckchairs on the Titanic saying "I'm sure this end of the ship won't sink."

xenoview's picture

America is a country founded by immigrants, for immigrants to come to for freedom.

MCDennis's picture
I am an immigrant.

I am an immigrant.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
If I was a refugee, I wouldn

If I was a refugee, I wouldn't even want to come to the U.S. this is the only place to claim to be the "Land Of The Free" yet a large portion of our population would prefer to ban people that are seeking freedom or make them live in misery if they're already here. The U.S. I know today is a shameful place. If anyone reading this is considering immigrating here. I suggest you try somewhere else. You'll live a much better life.

MCDennis's picture
You wrote that bringing back

You wrote that bringing back coal is a good thing. Would you please explain why this is a good thing?

Nyarlathotep's picture
MCD - You wrote that bringing

MCD - You wrote that bringing back coal is a good thing. Would you please explain why this is a good thing?

Because he is a climate change denier. But then paradoxically suggested we move CO2 from Venus to Mars to cool down Venus and heat up Mars. Go figure.

MCDennis's picture
No kidding?? That's just

No kidding?? That's just stupid.

Harry33Truman's picture
The term 'climate change

The term 'climate change demier' is infuriating- it attempts to compare those who don't believe in man bear pig to halocast deniers- but yes, I deny global warming because there is no proof, I also deny a large array of other bullshit- the Russia/election conspiracy theory, big foot, the abominable snowman, God, the flat earth theory, and Keynesian Economics to name a few.

algebe's picture
@Harry Truman: "I deny global

@Harry Truman: "I deny global warming because there is no proof"

But there's plenty of proof, including the after-effects of ice ages, and records of the Little Ice Age in Europe. The climate is always changing, either getting warmer or colder.

The present controversy is about whether or not current change is the result of human industrial activity or natural processes, or both.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Hahaha @ climate change has

Hahaha @ climate change has no evidence. Sure it doesn't. I guess the Earth is flat and Vaccines cause autism too.

Harry33Truman's picture
The term 'climate change

The term 'climate change demier' is infuriating- it attempts to compare those who don't believe in man bear pig to halocast deniers- but yes, I deny global warming because there is no proof, I also deny a large array of other bullshit- the Russia/election conspiracy theory, big foot, the abominable snowman, God, the flat earth theory, and Keynesian Economics to name a few.

mykcob4's picture
Harry this is about the

Harry this is about the dumbest and most misleading thing that you have ever posted. A no-fly zone is much different that than what the US actually did. A Syrian aircraft attacked pro-American anti-ISIL forces. AFTER the Syrian plane dropped a bomb, American jets shot it down. The Russian reaction only proves that Russia is dead set on maintaining an illegal regime in Syrian and are not interested in ridding the area of ISIL.
You don't know what Hillary would do.
Also denying WAR REFUGES SANCTUARY is just wrong and counter-productive, not to mention that it is inhumane and goes against everything this great nation stands for.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Also, the economic impact of using coal is negligible but is will cause much more planet-warming pollution.

Sky Pilot's picture


"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Just because some dummy wrote the poem and a clown put it on the Statute of Liberty is no reason it should be an anchor around out necks for eternity. If we had a national referendum today we would probably send it back to France.

The Statute of Liberty is just a Trojan horse.

algebe's picture
@Diotrephes: "If we had a

@Diotrephes: "If we had a national referendum today we would probably send it back to France."


It's the puritans you should be returning to sender, not Lady Liberty. You need her there to remind you not of what you are, but of what you could and should be.

mykcob4's picture

WHAT, are you kidding? If you don't get the Statue of Liberty, then you didn't get Liberty or Humanity!
Emma Lazarus was no "dummy". She was a great patriot and a great American.
The clown you refer to is also the referendum that was the US Congress that put it there.
The Statue of Liberty is NO Trojan Horse. The enemy isn't hiding inside it. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of what we are as Americans. We are a beacon to the world. A beacon of freedom!
And it isn't an anchor, it's an honor.

Harry33Truman's picture
"Harry this is about the

"Harry this is about the dumbest and most misleading thing that you have ever posted."

I beg to differ, these were the dumbest things I ever posted:

"A no-fly zone is much different that than what the US actually did. A Syrian aircraft attacked pro-American anti-ISIL forces. AFTER the Syrian plane dropped a bomb, American jets shot it down. The Russian reaction only proves that Russia is dead set on maintaining an illegal regime in Syrian and are not interested in ridding the area of ISIL."

Maybe they wouldn't have attacked us if we hadn't invaded their country- maybe we should have thought of that before attacking the ally of a nuclear power.

Also, most Syrians support Assad.

"You don't know what Hillary would do."

She said she would set up a no fly zone and declare war on Russia- so yes, I think I have a good idea of what she would do.

"Also denying WAR REFUGES SANCTUARY is just wrong and counter-productive, not to mention that it is inhumane and goes against everything this great nation stands for."

They aren't refugees- the Geneva Convention defined a refugee as:
"A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it."

They don't fit this definition, and they are a threat to national security. FDR (one of your hero's) banned Japanese people from entering the US and actually pur them in internment camps, and Jimmy Carter banned Iranians from coming into the US because they were a threat at the time- but that's OK and not racist because they were democrats.

"Also, the economic impact of using coal is negligible but is will cause much more planet-warming pollution."

CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas and we aren't even emitting very much of it. Only 3% of CO2 emissions are man made, so the effects on the environment are negligavle- the economy is ruined.

mykcob4's picture
No Harry Hillary NEVER said

No Harry Hillary NEVER said she would declare war on Russia. That is an outright lie. Jimmy Carter NEVER banned Iranians from coming to the USA. That is also a blatant lie. Manmade CO2 is the number one cause of greenhouse gases and is warming the planet at an alarming rate, that is just a fact.

No refugee has committed a terrorist attack in the USA. That is also a fact. Recent terrorist attacks in France, The UK, and the USA have all been homegrown, not by refugees.

Harry, you have been duped by Trump and his lying minions. You have bought into their propaganda. You ignore the facts. If you listen to Trump, Hannity, Rush, and Newt Gingrich, you are not getting the facts, you are getting lies and propaganda.
All credible scientist agree that Global Warming is real and manmade. The Global Warming deniers are paid by oil companies.
All US intelligence agencies agree that Russia interfered with US elections.
All propagandist that think that helping war victims from Syria is a threat are nothing more than racist and hate mongers.

LogicFTW's picture
I am not going to wade into

I am not going to wade into the syrian argument with you at this time I think other forum members are covering that part just fine.

Just wanted to point out: you just admitted human caused global warming is real. Even though you may not have realized it. Do not panic, even your hero donald trump admitted human caused climate change is real recently.

You said " Only 3% of CO2 emissions are man made" It is actually 3.75 and it discounts man caused losses in carbon sinks in terra forming, and other greenhouse gases such as methane.

Now we just need to teach you some basic math. Imagine an empty 1 gallon bucket, you have 1 gallon per minute flowing in, and a hole on the bottom where 1 gallon per minute flows out. What happens when you increase the flow in to 1.0375 gallons per minute but the hole on the bottom stays the same size? Eventually the spare capacity in the bucket gets full, and it starts to spill over the side. Even though the increase was a tiny amount percentage wise to the amount going in and out, it will be completely full and water spills over the side in a little under 27 minutes.

algebe's picture
@Mykcob4: "Also, the economic

@Mykcob4: "Also, the economic impact of using coal is negligible"

Coal is essential for iron and steel production at present. It's needed both for heat and for the reduction of ore. If coal becomes unavailable, steelmakers in some countries (e.g., Brazil) would go back to using charcoal, which would cause massive forest depletion. We need to increase steel recycling in electric furnaces, and we need to develop better methods, including the use of waste biomass or natural gas instead of coal. Until then, coal will still be needed.

mykcob4's picture
No Algebe, Electric oven can

No Algebe, Electric oven can get much hotter and are far more efficient. Coal isn't needed for anything anymore. The only reason we still use it is because it is cheap if you don't care about the health of people that mine it, and the pollution that it causes.

algebe's picture
@Mykcob4: "Also denying WAR

@Mykcob4: "Also denying WAR REFUGES SANCTUARY is just wrong"

I totally agree.

The UK has a long history of keeping its doors open to refugees, including Huguenots from France in the 18th century, and Jews from Eastern Europe in the 19th. Initially there are costs to accepting refugees, but longer-term they bring important benefits.

During World War I, the UK accepted 250,000 refugees from Belgium after Germany invaded. Most were taken into the homes of ordinary British families on a voluntary basis. Towns formed committees to welcome and help the refugees. There was friction, of course, but it was the right thing to do. Agatha Christie was involved in the work. That's how she got the idea for Hercule Poirot. And after the war, the UK paid to repatriate them to help rebuild their country.

There were lots of Jewish kids of refugee families from Nazi Germany in my primary school classes in the 1950s.

If America doesn't want the Statue of Liberty, perhaps we should move it to Dover or Heathrow.

Usagi's picture
Well, a big fuck you to the

Well, a big fuck you to the world's population if they aren't born in the good old U.S.A, is that it Harry? I don't know if you are just a racist prick or if you are simply just ignorant about immigration in this country. Either way, I don't care but making statements about the annihilation of rest of the world being ok is cruel. Cruelty is what makes this world so fucked up.

Harry33Truman's picture
No- I was exadurating. Either

No- I was exadurating. Either way, the US Government is supposed to represent the American People, not the Syrians or Chinese, so it isn't our responsibility. I'm fairly sure the rest of the world can figure out how to function without us coming along to murder their people every once in a while, I'm sure they can do with a little less of that.

mykcob4's picture
So you think that isolation

So you think that isolation is the way to go. That is naive in just plain stupid.

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